Tuesday, October 19, 2010

New Mascot Needed. Shrek Available?

Wazza is no Mazza at Old Trafford. At least by the end of January that is. SAF revealed today in a morning presser than WAYNE ROONEY aka Shrek's long lost berah wants OUT of ManUre. Call the cops. Manchester is going to burn tonight. To make matters worse, he wants to head to cross town rivals CITEH! Call in the Army. Manchester is going to destroy all of England in the coming weeks. This is about as shocking as watching Citeh win silverware. (meaning nobody would ever expect it to happen) Full crisis mode. SAF must be pulling out his hair and thinking about the best time to announce his retirement in the coming weeks.

There is no loyalty in the modern footballer. It's all about the fame and fortune. American sports have contaminated the worldwide sport of "football".

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