Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Get England a WHAMburger and some FRENCH cries!

WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! Tears have been flowing from all the arrogant football jerks in England this past week. It's everyone's fault too apparently that England will NOT be hosting the 2018 World Cup. No England. It is not the BBC's fault. It is not Sepp's fault. It is not Beckham's fault. It is not Prince William's fault. It is not Birmingham Citeh's supporter's fault. IT'S NOBODY'S FAULT ENGLAND. JEEZ. Someone else deserves to host the World Cup. You hosted it already (even if it was over 50 years ago or something). Russia is a new frontier for soccer. They put together a good package. Get over yourselves. Russia was the front runner from the start. Only English media pumped it up to make it seem like they were actually a shoe in to win. SORRY! Just because you (as in the bloody English) would have had home field advantage does not mean you would have won the silverwear.

In a less dramatic tear jerk reaction, the USA USA USA (my home country) did not win the 2022 bid either. Guess what? I don't care. We don't deserve it. Nobody here cares about soccer. The stadiums are not meant for soccer. The citizens could care less if it was soccer or badminton. I am actually excited for Qatar to win the bid. They will be the first team to win it in the Middle East. The stadium plans for this venue are outrageous. It should be a great event and I look forward to attending. I would tell the USA to stop crying but nobody really cares. I think it made ESPN for half a day on the front page. Americans pretty much only care about ESPN so it is safe to say that it was NOT a hot topic or concern.

Anyway, GOOD FOR RUSSIA AND GOOD FOR QATAR. Everyone else suck it up and enjoy the beautiful game.

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