Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Mike Ashley = Smartest Man Alive

There isn't much to say about this. Mike Ashley, owner of #NUFC, is the smartest man in the universe. Or maybe just the biggest d-bag in the universe. Mid-week, OUT OF THE BLUE, he canned his manager Chris Hughton. The same Chris Hughton who led Newcastle to the top of the Championship in the previous season. The same Chris Hughton who has Newcastle in the top half of the table through November of this EPL season. The same Chris Hughton whom the players love and respect. Oh yea and he hired a loser named Alan Pardew whose most notable achievement is leading West Ham to a loss in PK's in the 2006 FA Cup Final to Liverpool. (Thanks Alan)

I think everyone agrees with me, including the players, when saying our only reaction is... silence? Shocked. Speechless. Astonished. Boy is this Mike Ashley guy a GENIUS! He has now officially taken that title away from Brian Billick. (see wikipedia: Brian Billick for all you Euros)

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