Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Arsene Agrees: Need Robot Referees

See I told you so.

1) Arsenal was going to lose to Barca. It was inevitable. Deal with it.

2) We need ROBOT Referees! Now Arsene thinks so too! At least based on his comments after his recent match at the Camp Nou he does... To put it in his own words, the HUMAN referee KILLED the match! Cost his team with CHEAP goals! No way a robot would do that. In fact a robot would get all the calls right! That's right! Flawless! A flawless victory for Arsenal! We were watching perfection from the GOONARS right there. Perfection, but we couldn't see it because we are human just like the referee that KILLED the game. Right Arsene? Oh and RvP agress too.. and Nasri... and the whole Arsenal fan base. So I must be right. Robot Refs. First Fergie. Now Arsene. Robocop statues for all (but not Detroit)!

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