Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Bayern Loses. Who really cares?

Bayern Munich got crushed at home by Borussia Dortmund. This Dortmund squad is running away with the Bundesliga, while Bayern has all the talented players and highest payroll in the league. What a crock. Bayern Munich is overrated. It will be only a few days now before Robben/Ribery peacin' rumors start. I don't care if Bastian S(can't spell his name) signed a new contract. It will only take the end of the season before he hands in a transfer request to head to Chelsea.

Bottom line here: 1) Bayern Munich sucks (they lucked their way into the CL Final last year... directly referencing their anomaly of a win at OT) and 2) German football sucks (when compared to England and Spain). The best teams in Europe are in Spain and England. Sorry Italy. Same goes for Italian football. At least Italy can put together a couple CL winning squads though and compete on the European level.

Bayern is going to get ripped apart this summer if they don't qualify for CL play next season. Van Gaal will be fired and the Bundesliga will lose all credibility unless Dortmund can make a run in next year's CL.

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