Monday, February 28, 2011

The Shot Heard Round the Bridge

The shot heard round the bridge? Or wasn't it heard? Not sure. Either way no one knew about it. Ca$hley Cole took after all the great North American 'footballers' (see the two geniuses Tank Williams and Shaun Rogers). Not only that he then SHOT someone. What an idiot? Really Ashley? Great idea. I don't care if you booted a ball out of the stadium to knock your Blues out of the FA Cup. You don't go around shooting people. Just like you don't go around sleeping with mistresses or crashing your car every other month. Oh wait. You do those things to? Yea I guess this one makes sense then.

Good thing the kid is ok and it was a pellet rifle. Still somehow everyone on the Chelsea staff managed to NOT see this happen. NOT see the aftermath (including Ashley?) and NOT realize an intern was in the hospital receiving treatment days later. Maybe someone should... eh... yea that's too far. Nevermind. Good one Ca$hley. Can't wait to see the punishment handed down for this one.

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