Saturday, February 5, 2011

Andy Carroll: Is He Worth It?

(He's a freaking behemoth)

I didn't really want to touch this subject, but I will since it seems that is all any Liverpool critic is talking about. Andy Carroll is probably not worth 35M pounds in terms of his previous production on the field. The signing was a gamble, but at least a calculated one at that. Andy has the ability to be the best. He is a hulking physical presence on the field. He wins everything in the air and has been developing his finishing touch. 5 years from now he could have 30 English caps and be the every day #9. It was a calculated risky move. With the money from the Torres deal (ugh...) Liverpool had to make a move.

If anything though it is important to note that this is a CLEAR signal of the INTENT of the new owners. They want to win. They want to build a team the right way. They just brought in two strikers over 20M a piece at the ages of 22 and 24 years. I have no doubt in my mind that both Luis and Andy will be vital roles this year in our chase for Europe and next year in our chase to be back in the Top 4.

I can't wait to see them both on the pitch!

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