Tuesday, February 8, 2011


What a fatty. England just set a record for fattest captain ever. Even fatter than that Hungarian guy, Puskas? Maybe they are trying to copy that Hungarian squad with an even fatter captain. Afterall Hungary did obliterate off England (see 6-3 demolition in 1953 at Wembley) back in the day.

Great idea England. Field more players like Fat Frank and this guy Puskas.

HONESTLY though.. Frank isn't even good at soccer. I am NOT being a weightist (?). Just because he is FAT Frank doesn't mean he can't be good. Too bad he is neither. Lampard is a black hole on the field. He doesn't play both ways and he doesn't create enough. Gerrard is twice the player and I even venture to say Barry is more of an asset on the pitch.

Hang up the cleats Frank and lose some weight.

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