Monday, February 28, 2011

The Shot Heard Round the Bridge

The shot heard round the bridge? Or wasn't it heard? Not sure. Either way no one knew about it. Ca$hley Cole took after all the great North American 'footballers' (see the two geniuses Tank Williams and Shaun Rogers). Not only that he then SHOT someone. What an idiot? Really Ashley? Great idea. I don't care if you booted a ball out of the stadium to knock your Blues out of the FA Cup. You don't go around shooting people. Just like you don't go around sleeping with mistresses or crashing your car every other month. Oh wait. You do those things to? Yea I guess this one makes sense then.

Good thing the kid is ok and it was a pellet rifle. Still somehow everyone on the Chelsea staff managed to NOT see this happen. NOT see the aftermath (including Ashley?) and NOT realize an intern was in the hospital receiving treatment days later. Maybe someone should... eh... yea that's too far. Nevermind. Good one Ca$hley. Can't wait to see the punishment handed down for this one.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Zigic! Brum! Arsenal'D!

The Carling Cup just ended and overwhelming favorites Arsenal, LOST! Well I guess Birmingham won on a cheap Martins goal in the 89th. Either way Arsenal again shot themselves in the foot and failed to end their title drought. One bright spot for Arsenal was my BOI, RvP who scored a beauty of a volley in the first half to level the score. Then he got hurt... like always... Robin! Stop getting hurt! Anyways, not trophies for Arsenal. The verb-age Arsenal'D is going to become very popular in the future.

Birmingham stuck to a game plan and lady luck fell their way. They had a CLEAR penalty denied of them in the first 3 minutes of the game, but they didn't hang their heads. Instead they got the ball to their BIG man Zigic who put them ahead. Then shoddy Arsenal defense and poor goalie play (what else is new for the Goonars?) resulted in Birmingham hoisting the trophy! OH man! I am watching it now and its beautiful. I don't care how this affects Liverpool's chances of playing in Europe next season. This is just too good. Good for Brum and good for their manager, Alex McLeish.

Back to Square One

Welp that was fun. Liverpool's 9 game unbeaten run ends rather (un)dramatically. The Reds did not show up for today's game. They were outclassed on the pitch, especially the defensive third.

Demba Ba was electric for West Ham. And somehow Carlton Cole sealed the deal. I won't criticize Liverpool's players although everyone on the pitch today could have played better. King Kenny will have much work to do before the showdown with Manchester United.

Back to square one though. Time to start a new unbeaten streak. YNWA.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Gattuso the Barbarian Part II

Just as a matter of resolution, UEFA charged our good old friend Gennaro with assault! of Spurs coach Joe Jordan!

ASSAULT! and a 5 game match ban. Gulp. Well he did try to choke slam Joe... and he headbutted him... I guess UEFA isn't good friends just yet with Vince McMahon. Hopefully they will be though once Vince invests in a team abroad!

OH and here is what Gennaro had to say - "They gave me a five-match ban... they may as well have put me in prison for a month! I wanted to be at the second leg in London, but was advised not to go. There’s 37,000 of them in that stadium, I’d have returned with a swollen face from 37,000 slaps." Meh it's only a bunch of Tottenham supporters Gennaro. You might have heard 37k chant in unison at you but even that is doubtful.

Tangerine anyone?

'Arry Redknapp would love more than just one Tangerine. He wants 3! 3 for the amount of goals his so called CL/PL/Top 4 side let in against Ian' good ole oranges over at Bloomfield Lane. After an epic win for the Spurs at the San Siro last week, they fell flat on their faces. Bassong made a clumsy tackle. 4 foot sitters were missed left and right. Blackpool defended and counter attacked to perfection. Only a late Roman "Where are you going this week?" Pavluchenko saved them the embarrassment of becoming the first team to be shut out at Bloomfield this season.

And after all of this we are supposed to believe the Spurs are a top 4 side that is here to stay? Wrong. You have to at least take a point from these games Spurs. I don't care about injuries. Maybe you shouldn't rely on a player like Jonathan Woodgate then. He is good for say 36 minutes a year anyway. Get a grip. They are having a nice run. A nice but inconsistent run over the past one and a half seasons. Chelsea and Liverpool are nipping at their heels though for that Top 4 spot. I am guessing that one of those two grab it (probably the Blues) over the Spurs.

They just can't play consistently. The defense is full of holes. I kinda expect Milan to walk over them at White Hart next week, but I guess we will have to wait and see. Oh and Charlie Adam saw what it would be like to play for Tottenham as well. I'm sure he is hoping Liverpool or Manchester United throw another 10 mill at Ian this summer.

Monday, February 21, 2011


The 88 nets a double for the Bhoys as Celtic downs Rangers for the second time this season. Putting the Hoops 8 points clear atop the SPL.

Rangers financial troubles begin to manifest on the pitch. Looking down each beach its clear to see monetary woes at Ibrox have allowed Celtic to nearly double the Blueshirts in the talent reservoir. The £4m spent on Nikica Jelavic has proven to be a wasteful signing for Rangers as he has yet to produce during the always contentious and potentially season altering Glasgow derbys.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Two Down. One to Go.

Well it looks like Chelsea managed to eliminate themselves from another competition this weekend. There will be no 3-peat for the Blues, but Phil Jackson might still get his for the Lake Show... Everton beat Chelsea in penalty kicks. Ca$hley Cole got spooked by Heitinga who literally gave him the cold shoulder.

Gotta love that. In the middle of the pitch at the Bridge. How was there no street brawling after the game???? That was ridiculous! Cashley looked SO SPOOKED after that. He just assumed Johnny would move I guess? Well he guessed wrong. Hilarious.

OH YEA and then Cole totally botched the kick. Chelsea crashed out. And now they have ONE trophy left to play for, the Champions League, which I highly doubt at this point they will win. Ancelotti is rumored to be on his way out the door. The team has gotta be shell shocked. What to do now? Concentrate on the CL? Make sure to finish 4th in the league? (which won't be an easy task with what is becoming a disgruntled locker room) Fernando Torres must be so pumped to be playing for such a BIG club right now. So big they will likely not win a trophy this year and they may not play CL football next year.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Gattuso the Barbarian

Gattuso went all wrestling style on everyone. He was prepping for the return of the Rock for Wrestlemania with a quick choke hold of Spurs coach Joe Jordan and then a swift butt of the head. Typical Gennaro. He should really take over for my BOI, Santino Marella in the WWE. Then he could score with my GIRL, Maria.

Meh anyway, pretty sure Gattuso is not getting away with that one.

Spurs won btw. 1-0. Good showing Milan.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


What a fatty. England just set a record for fattest captain ever. Even fatter than that Hungarian guy, Puskas? Maybe they are trying to copy that Hungarian squad with an even fatter captain. Afterall Hungary did obliterate off England (see 6-3 demolition in 1953 at Wembley) back in the day.

Great idea England. Field more players like Fat Frank and this guy Puskas.

HONESTLY though.. Frank isn't even good at soccer. I am NOT being a weightist (?). Just because he is FAT Frank doesn't mean he can't be good. Too bad he is neither. Lampard is a black hole on the field. He doesn't play both ways and he doesn't create enough. Gerrard is twice the player and I even venture to say Barry is more of an asset on the pitch.

Hang up the cleats Frank and lose some weight.

Monday, February 7, 2011

What's Wrong Nando?!

Fernando Torres


Come on Fernando. I thought you were GOING to a BIG club to CHALLENGE for a league title and play Champions League FOOTBALL! Maybe you thought wrong? Just like I said before, I think in the long run Fernando will regret this move deeply. You could see it Sunday in the biggest match of the season so far for both clubs. Chelsea looked old, confused, and disorganized. Their 3 striker formation backfired. Nando failed to link up and a sliding block by Carragher prevented Torres from making any stamp on the game. Not only that but Chelsea just looked poor. Liverpool could have won that game 2-0 or 3-0 had they capitalized on some 'sitters' and good chances.

Liverpool are now only 6 points behind Chelsea/Tottenham for the 4th spot and Champions League football. I predict that they won't get Top 4 by season's end, BUT they will at least make it interesting. Next season it will be anyone's league. King Kenny has got the boys playing inspired football and he made a point in this weekend's fixture. "NO player is bigger than the club".

OH YEA and nice elbow by Agger!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

The Invincibles?

Nope you're not seeing things Fergie. Your boys just lost to the Wolves to end their impressive unbeaten run. Wolves! Mick McCarthy's wolves! What a crock! After narrowly escaping a shock loss to Blackpool a week earlier, ManUre dropped 3 point today by losing to the lowly relegation-battling Wolves 2-1.

Good day to be a Liverpool fan. Arsenal blows a 4 goal lead. ManU loses to Wolves. The SAME Wolves side who lost to Liverpool 3-0 a week ago. I guess that win is a bit better than we thought Reds fans...

Let's beat Chelski and that traitor tomorrow!


How can ANYONE respect a team to win the title when they are up 4-0 20+ minutes into a game and somehow manage to drop 2 points. Its time to shut the door on the Gunners and maybe Wenger for that manner. You can't blow a W with a 4 goal lead. It is inexcusable. The team is the same as usual. This summer Fabregas will leave. Then what? Same team every year. They won't compete for a title. They will make a mini-run in CL play and they won't win a significant trophy (carling cup doesn't count).

What a joke. Newcastle... 4-0.... 4-4... LOL

Andy Carroll: Is He Worth It?

(He's a freaking behemoth)

I didn't really want to touch this subject, but I will since it seems that is all any Liverpool critic is talking about. Andy Carroll is probably not worth 35M pounds in terms of his previous production on the field. The signing was a gamble, but at least a calculated one at that. Andy has the ability to be the best. He is a hulking physical presence on the field. He wins everything in the air and has been developing his finishing touch. 5 years from now he could have 30 English caps and be the every day #9. It was a calculated risky move. With the money from the Torres deal (ugh...) Liverpool had to make a move.

If anything though it is important to note that this is a CLEAR signal of the INTENT of the new owners. They want to win. They want to build a team the right way. They just brought in two strikers over 20M a piece at the ages of 22 and 24 years. I have no doubt in my mind that both Luis and Andy will be vital roles this year in our chase for Europe and next year in our chase to be back in the Top 4.

I can't wait to see them both on the pitch!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

I'm Not Your Babe, Fernando...

Seriously Nando? I know this is a bit behind, but how the hell did this happen? Fernando Torres submitted a transfer request for Chelsea... AND we accepted? I guess 50M pounds is too much to turn down. I think it is at least. The guy hasn't been healthy for a full season yet in the prem league. I doubt he will be for his entire five years at Chelsea. Can I say fingers crossed there? Do I hope the guy is on the trainers table? Well... do you want the truth? No. I don't. But I also hope that Liverpool wins a title before Chelsea wins one.

The move just doesn't make sense to me. Chelsea are a team on the decline. They are old. There wages are holding back their expectations to meet the new FIFA fair play rules, meaning they may not even play in Europe in a couple years. You hear that Nando? Do you understand that?


They aren't contending for the league this year and they haven't looked all that great in cup play either. I just don't get it. I watched Torres' interview with ChelseaTV. He looks miserable. It really does look like he just made a mistake and is now realizing it. He just doesn't have the same excitement as when he first signed for Liverpool. It has to be an uncomfortable feeling to leave for the money to a team like Chelsea. In one years time, Liverpool could be top 4 and Chelsea could be a mid table team. Age catches up to a squad fast.

Have fun Nando. It was fun a couple years. I bet you'll be begging to be back at the Merseyside within three years.


Myself... AND THE KING!

Sorry I have been gone so long. I am back now. Minor hardware issues.

Now I am back and here to stay. Just like King Kenny is back and here to stay for Liverpool. Not only as a caretaker but as the permanent manager... At least that is my general sentiment.

More to come soon...